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IX National Simposium ANTIAGE in Rome

07 Oct 22

7.10.2022, NH Hotel Villa Carpegna, Rome

IX Simposium Nazionale ANTIAGE in Rome - Associazione Nazionale per la terapia infiltrativa intra articolare dell’anca con guida ecografica.

NH Hotel Villa Carpegna
7 October 2022

8-9 AM

Silvana Giannini-Teacher
Ultrasound-guided elbow-wrist-hand infiltrations
Session 5 at  3-4.30 PM
Moderator Silvana Giannini-Giovanni Boni
Painful shoulder: differential diagnosis and indications for AI therapy

This is the IX National Symposium of the members of ANTIAGE (National Association for Ultrasound-guided Intra-articular Therapy of the Hip with Ultrasound Guide).
Literature data and the experiences of national centers on intra-articular therapy in the field of rheumatic diseases affecting the hip and all joints such as arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. will be compared.

Practical courses on ultrasound-guided infiltration of the hip, ankle, hand, elbow, shoulder, sacroiliac, knee and mesotherapy in musculoskeletal pathology are provided respectively. A reading will be dedicated to the theme of viscosupplementation and sport. A report will focus on the state of application of Law 38 on pain, as an institutional contribution to the greater implementation of the aforementioned law.

A round table of experts will be held on the burning issue of the choice of biological, biosimilar and small molecule treatments in arthritis. Another round table will concern the therapy of osteoporosis. Space will also be given to the different imaging methods in relation to the diagnosis in the various joint pathologies.

Furthermore, the new therapeutic perspectives of the most recent intra-articular products under experimentation will be presented.

The event, of an interdisciplinary nature, is addressed to members and specialists rheumatologists, physiatrists, orthopedists, radiologists, internists, pain therapists, sports doctors.